During these difficult times we understand that it can be hard to have to home-school your child and we want to support you as much as we can.
Your child will also receive activities and learning to do via Google Classroom. This work is being set remotely by their class teacher for your child to access if they are able.
Please note how each year group can access their home learning.
Reception and Year 1 – Combination of Google classroom and paper packs
Year 2 – Google classroom & Purple Mash
Years 3 & 4 – Google classroom & Purple Mash
Years 5 & 6 – Google classroom & Purple Mash. Also BBC Bitesize.
In addition, we have attached a list of websites that you may find useful to use in supporting your child’s learning.
If we can be of any further support with your child’s learning, please email their class teacher. The email addresses for each one is below.
Remember do your best, keep reading and stay safe.
Year 6
Year 5
Year 3/4
Year 2
Year 1