Our Curriculum


At Cheadle Primary School, our curriculum is rooted within our ethos and vision. We believe that looking after our children’s mental health and well-being is key in order for children to learn effectively.

We provide an engaging, rich skills and knowledge based curriculum that is structured so that learning is sequential and memorable. Prior learning is re-visited and new learning builds on prior knowledge.

Children in EYFS follow the EYFS Statutory Framework and we ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum in Years 1 to 6.

Our curriculum begins with Cheadle, the rich learning resource which is right on our doorstep. We nurture a strong sense of community, belonging and citizenship giving our children a deep understanding and awareness of where they live and preparing them for the world beyond.

To generate interest and excitement, we start off each theme with ‘Display in a Day’ where each class creates a display related to their new topic.

We provide many opportunities to enrich our curriculum and these include educational visits to help to bring learning to life, special days such as History, Art, Exploration and Discovery, Well-Being and Staying Safe.

We are a UNICEF Rights Respecting School and children’s rights are firmly embedded throughout our PHSE curriculum.