This is the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.  This framework is mandatory for all early years providers in England from January 2024.

EYFS Statutory Framework January 2024

This document shows how we deliver this curriculum in the EYFS at Cheadle Village Primary School.

EYFS Curriculum at Cheadle Village Primary School

EYFS History skills and knowledge overview

EYFS-Geography-skills-and-knowledge-overview-year-long-term (1)

EYFS RE skills and knowledge overview year long term

EYFS Art skills and knowledge overview year long term

Nursery PE skills and knowledge overview year

Reception PE skills and knowledge overview year

EYFS DT skills and knowledge overview year long term

EYFS Music skills and knowledge overview year long term

EYFS Science skills and knowledge overview year long term

Nursery PSHE Curriculum

The following documents have been produced for parents and carers to explain the expectations of the EYFS.  They also have great ideas for how to support learning at home.

What to expect in the EYFS-A Guide for Parents

Writing booklet for families – Nursery and Reception

Maths booklet for families – Reception

Maths leaflet for families – Nursery

Here are some Phonics videos to show you the correct pronunciation of sounds and how to support your child at home:

Start Well Stockport – Start Well is a service to help and support you with your child’s school readiness journey from pre-birth to 5 years, offering the most up to date advice and guidance from Health VisitorsEarly Years WorkersStart Well Co-ordinators, and Midwives, who work together in Start Well teams.


From Reception, when your child no longer has a health visitor, you can access support from the Stockport School Nursing Service.  They can offer support with toileting, head lice, growth checks, hearing checks, wellbeing support and more.
Click here to watch a short video from them, including contact details.