Cheadle Village Primary School Attendance

At Cheadle Village Primary our aim is for every child to achieve and reach their full potential.  To achieve this, regular attendance and good punctuality is vital.  We work closely with the school Educational Welfare Officer to improve attendance and punctuality in school.

School starts at 8:50am and it is essential that your child is in school on time, every day.  Any child arriving after 9:00am will be marked late. If your child is late you must sign them in, explaining the reason for your late arrival, to ensure they receive their mark and have ordered a dinner.  If your child arrives later than 9.30am it is automatically an unauthorised absence for the morning session.
If your child is unwell and cannot attend school we ask that you contact us on 0161 428 5026 before the school day begins.  If you have not contacted the school you will receive a telephone call asking you to confirm the reason for your child’s absence.

Our School Attendance Target is 97%

School attendance is monitored very closely.  We have an attendance target of 97%.  If your child’s attendance falls below this percentage and it is a cause for concern you will be contacted by Miss Simpson and/or our Education Welfare Officer.  If attendance falls to 90% or below, parents run the risk of being fined by the Local Authority and potential court proceedings.
Miss Simpson