At Cheadle Village Primary School we have high expectations for all our learners and we aim to provide every child with equal opportunities to access a broad and balanced education. This includes the Foundation stage and National Curriculum in line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2015).
At Cheadle Village Primary School we aim to:
- To create an ethos and educational environment that is person centered and has the views and needs of the pupil at its heart along with their families/carers.
- To develop self-esteem, promoting a positive self-image and a “can do” culture to prepare them for the next stage in their education and make a successful transition to adulthood.
- To reflect the New Code of Practice (2015) in stating that teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, including where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff. (p99, para 6.36). “Every teacher is a teacher of every child or young person including those with special educational needs or disabilities”.
- To fully adopt the graduated approach to ensure that all pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are identified early, assessed and catered for within the school with high expectations for the best possible progress.
- To work within a ‘person centered approach’ fostering and promoting effective working partnerships with children, parents/carers and outside agencies.
- To encourage the participation of children and parents in the decision making and the planning and review of outcomes with regard to their provision.
- To clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of school staff and the Governors in providing an appropriate education for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
- To enable full access for children with SEND to all aspects of the school curriculum and the wider school life and activities thus developing positive self-esteem with a long term goal of independence and preparation for adulthood.
All enquiries regarding SEN will be forwarded to the school SENDCO, Mr Chruszcz. Mr Chruszcz can be contacted via email: or the school telephone number: 0161 4285026
SEND Resource List (School Edition) SEND Resource List (School Edition)with links
SEN report in light of COVID APRIL 2020
Disability Scheme Access Plan 2023
Websites for parents with hyperlinks.
Websites for children with hyperlinks
Phonic games and activities EC free resources March 2020
Stockport School Anxiety (Parents Guide)